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Safety First: Important Tips For Seniors While Cycling

By Prodosh Kundu    15 Oct,2024

   Cycling is a form of exercise which is popular across the world. It is a favorite pastime of many people. It is an eco-friendly mode of transport as it does not release toxic gases in the atmosphere. It also beneficial for health, especially for the seniors.

However, the risk of getting injured while cycling is also high for the seniors. In this article, we are going to discuss about the safety precautions which seniors can take while cycling. Let us begin:

Safety tips for seniors while cycling

Some of the safety tips for seniors while cycling are as follows:

Always wear a helmet

Seniors should always wear a helmet while cycling. Wearing a helmet offers protection against various kinds of injuries. There are numerous cyclists who do not wear helmet. They try to justify this by saying that they are not riding at a high speed.

But they should remember that even a low-speed crash can cause injuries, some of which can be fatal, especially for seniors. This is the reason why seniors should always wear proper helmets while cycling.

Take a proper cycle

Proper safety is very much important for seniors while cycling. This can be ensured by taking a cycle which is in good condition and are suitable for them. A large and heavy cycle is not appropriate for seniors.

They will find it difficult to control a large and heavy bicycle. They should always take a cycle which is suitable to their requirements. They must check the handlebars, seat and pedals to find out whether the cycle is perfect for them or not.

Take proper training

It is a known fact that cycling involves repeated forceful motion. Cyclists are also required to have proper balance and stability to hold themselves on their cycles. This balance and stability can be achieved only by proper training.

The training exercises should be based on the range of motions of knees and ankles. These training sessions are very much important for seniors as it will give them proper lessons regarding cycling and minimize the risks of injuries. They should search for various types of training programs and select the one which is suitable for them.

Try to avoid high speed

Seniors should try to avoid high speed while cycling as it increases the possibility of getting injured.  Cycles are generally made for leisurely rides and exercises, not high speed. People should ride cycles at a low speed. This is applicable to people of all age as high speed can lead to injuries which can turn fatal in case of seniors.

Try to avoid night riding

There is a strong connection between, accident and darkness. According to some studies, majority of cycle-related accidents usually occur at night. Cyclists may find it difficult to notice potholes, roadblocks and other forms of road hazards at night due to darkness, which increases the chances of fatal accidents.

Motorists may also find it difficult to spot a cyclist at night. Such circumstances are very much dangerous for a senior cyclist so they should avoid cycling at night. 

If they have to ride cycle at night due to some emergency situation, they should make some necessary preparations. They must wear bright, reflective clothes. They can also use reflective Velcro straps on their arms and ankles. It is recommended that they install proper lights on the cycle, both front and back.

They can also install a small light on their helmets also. Installing proper light will reduce the chances of fatal accidents at night by improving visibility.

Give importance to the body

Cyclists should give importance to their body while cycling. If they experience any problem, such as fatigue, pain and shortness of breath, they should immediately stop cycling and take some rest. It will be better if they cut their ride short.

If they try to continue cycling through pain and fatigue, they can get injured and suffer from other kinds of problems, which can be fatal for seniors. This is the reason why cyclists, especially seniors should give importance to their body conditions while cycling.

Plan the routes in a proper manner

Planning the routes before cycling is very much important for cyclists, especially seniors. They should always select those routes which are suitable for their fitness levels. It will be better if they avoid busy streets with heavy traffic.

Parks and quiet residential areas are ideal for cycling. It also reduces the chances of accidents which usually occur on busy roads with heavy traffic.

Take proper care of the cycle

Seniors should always take a cycle which has been maintained properly. Regular cycle maintenance is very much essential for ensuring the safety of the seniors. They should always check the tires, gears and break before each and every ride.

The chain should be clean and lubricated which will ensure smooth and efficient pedaling. If they cannot take proper care of their cycles by themselves, they can hire a professional mechanic.

Always consult a doctor before starting

Before starting any new form of exercise, such as cycling and hiking, seniors should always consult with a doctor, especially if they have any pre-existing health conditions. They can give proper suggestions regarding the ways of approaching cycling safely.

Benefits of cycling for seniors

Some of the major benefits of cycling for seniors are as follows:

●Good for heart: Cycling is very good for the heart. This can be considered as one of the major benefits of cycling for seniors. During cycling, their bodies will require more Oxygen which will force the heart to pump more blood.

Their cells will get more Oxygen and release energy for enabling them to ride for longer periods of time. Their heart will get regular exercises which will make it stronger, enabling them to keep heart diseases at bay

● Weight loss: Another major benefit of cycling is weight loss. Seniors usually suffer from overweight, mainly due to lack of exercises. Cycling is a natural way of losing excess weight, which will keep various diseases like diabetes at bay.

Cycling is very good for the health of seniors. However they are at a greater risk of getting injured while cycling. Proper precautions are necessary for minimizing the risks of getting injured while cycling. 

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