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Jogging and Breathing: How Seniors Can Enjoy the Outdoors in Fall and Winter

By mth    26 Sep,2024

   Jogging is not only a simple and easy exercise, it is also a great way for seniors to stay healthy. During the fall and winter months, when the weather gets cooler, many seniors may be hesitant to get outdoors.

However, proper jogging not only strengthens cardiorespiratory fitness, but also boosts mood and improves quality of life. Understanding breathing techniques while jogging is essential for seniors to enjoy the outdoors safely and happily.

1.Jogging in fall and winter has many benefits

Although the weather is getting cooler in the fall and winter, proper jogging still has many benefits for seniors. First of all, jogging can enhance cardiorespiratory function. Older people's body functions gradually decline, cardiorespiratory function will also decline.

As a kind of aerobic exercise, jogging can effectively exercise the heart and lungs, improve the endurance of the heart and lungs, and enhance the respiratory function.

Long-term adherence to jogging can make the breathing of the elderly smoother and reduce asthma, chest tightness and other uncomfortable symptoms.

Secondly, jogging helps control weight. As age increases, the metabolic rate of the elderly slows down, easy to appear obesity.

And obesity will increase the risk of hypertension, diabetes, heart disease and other chronic diseases. Jogging can burn excess body heat, help the elderly control weight, reduce the risk of disease.

In addition, jogging can also improve the quality of sleep. Many older people suffer from sleep problems, such as insomnia, excessive dreaming and waking up easily.

Proper exercise can promote blood circulation in the body and relieve body tension and fatigue, thus helping to improve sleep quality. Older people who insist on jogging in the fall and winter seasons can sleep more peacefully at night.

Finally, jogging can enhance immunity. The fall and winter seasons are the high incidence of colds, flu and other diseases, the elderly's immunity is relatively weak, more susceptible to disease.

 Jogging can promote the body's metabolism, enhance the function of the immune system, improve the body's resistance, reduce the chances of illness.

2.The weight of breathing should not be ignored

In the process of jogging, the correct breathing method is crucial. For the elderly, it is especially important to pay attention to the rhythm and depth of breathing.

First, keep breathing evenly. When the elderly are jogging, they should adopt an even, rhythmic breathing style to avoid rapid or irregular breathing.

Generally speaking, you can use the breathing method of three steps and one breath, three steps and one breath, or adjust it according to your physical condition. Keeping your breathing even allows your body to better absorb oxygen and expel carbon dioxide, reducing fatigue.

Second, pay attention to the depth of breathing. The lung capacity of the elderly is relatively small, and their breathing tends to be shallow. When jogging, you should try to breathe as deeply as possible, so that the air can fully enter the lungs and increase the intake of oxygen.

The depth of breathing can be deepened by abdominal breathing, in which the abdomen bulges when inhaling and contracts when exhaling. Abdominal breathing allows for smoother breathing and reduces the burden on the lungs.

In addition, avoid breathing through the mouth. In the fall and winter season, the temperature is low, breathing through the mouth is easy to let the cold air directly into the lungs, stimulating the respiratory tract, causing coughing, shortness of breath and other uncomfortable symptoms.

The elderly in jogging, should try to use the nose to breathe, so that the air through the nasal filter and warming, reduce the stimulation of the respiratory tract. If you really need to use the mouth to breathe, you can use the tongue against the palate to avoid cold air directly into the mouth.

Finally, pay attention to the coordination of breathing and running rhythm. When the elderly are jogging, they should adjust their breathing according to their own running rhythm, so that their breathing is harmonized with their running movements.

Generally speaking, when running at a slower speed, a longer breathing rhythm can be used; when running at a faster speed, a shorter breathing rhythm can be used.

Maintaining the coordination between breathing and running rhythm can make the body complete the exercise more easily and reduce the feeling of fatigue.

3.Autumn and winter jogging, precautions

The weather is cold in the fall and winter seasons, and the elderly need to pay attention to the following matters when jogging and other outdoor sports.

First of all, do a good job of warming up. The body of the elderly is relatively stiff, and the mobility of joints is relatively small. Before jogging, you should make sufficient warm-up preparations, such as moving joints and stretching muscles.

Warm-up preparation allows the body to gradually adapt to the intensity of the exercise, reducing the risk of injury.

Second, pay attention to keep warm. Autumn and winter temperatures are low, the elderly in jogging should wear warm, comfortable sportswear, wear a hat, gloves and other warm items. At the same time, be careful to avoid wearing too heavy clothes, so as not to affect the effect of exercise.

In addition, to choose the right time and place. When the elderly jogging in the fall and winter seasons, they should choose to do it when the weather is clear and the temperature is suitable, and avoid exercising in bad weather conditions such as haze, wind, rain and snow.

At the same time, we should choose flat, safe sports venues, such as parks, playgrounds, etc., to avoid running in heavy traffic, uneven road surface.

Finally, pay attention to control the intensity of exercise. Older people's body capacity is relatively weak, in jogging should be based on their own physical condition to control the intensity of exercise, avoid excessive exercise.

Generally speaking, the jogging speed of the elderly should be moderate, in order not to feel fatigue is appropriate. If panic, shortness of breath, dizziness and other uncomfortable symptoms occur during exercise, you should stop exercising immediately and seek medical attention in a timely manner.

4.Safety first, enjoy exercise

For the elderly, safety is the premise of enjoying outdoor exercise. When jogging in the fall and winter seasons, you should always put safety first. Be aware of your physical condition.

Before jogging, seniors should undergo a comprehensive physical examination to understand whether their physical condition is suitable for exercise. If you suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and other chronic diseases, you should exercise under the guidance of your doctor.

Secondly, the intensity of the exercise should be moderate, as little as possible to choose large fitness equipment and other strenuous exercise that requires force and breath holding.

Winter fitness is best to aerobic exercise, time is best after 9 o'clock, the sun is out, the relative temperature is higher and then exercise is better, to avoid sudden cold stimulation of the body and morbidity.

Exercise time is not the longer the better, the key is gradual, persistent, each exercise time to 20 minutes to 1 hour for the best.

Elderly exercise can not be sweat how much as a standard, after the winter of human sweat gland secretion is less, feel a little bit of moisture on the back is enough, otherwise it is easy to cause a cold.

Exercise process as much as possible with nasal breathing, can play a safeguard, filtering role, if the mouth breathing easy to make the cold air into the esophagus, stomach and cause abdominal pain. Exercise, the elderly should choose less intense, more gentle way, such as tai chi, walking, aerobics and so on.

Finally, to maintain a good state of mind. Older people should keep a positive and optimistic mindset when doing outdoor exercise such as jogging, and enjoy the fun brought by exercise.

Don't pursue the effect of exercise too much, and exercise according to your own physical condition and interests to avoid over-fatigue and injury.

In conclusion, the elderly can maintain their health through jogging and other outdoor exercises in the fall and winter seasons.

When jogging, pay attention to the correct breathing method, make good warm-up preparations, pay attention to keeping warm, choose the right time and place, control the intensity of the exercise, and always put safety in the first place. Only in this way can you truly enjoy the benefits of outdoor exercise.

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