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Updates to Google Play Policies 2020

By Janice    24 Apr,2023

Google Play is an essential distribution channel for overseas developers. In the past 12 months, 116 billion APPs and games in Google Play were downloaded by 2.5 billion mobile devices. On November 17, the second day of the Google Developers Conference 2020, Google explained in detail its policy update and other related information of Google Play 2020.

1.pngIt is very important for developers to comply with Google Play policies, because they can be affected in different ways once there is a violation. It is important to emphasize that Google Play violations can be accumulated. High-frequency and minor violations can result to account blockade; once an account is closed, no new accounts will be allowed to be opened.

As a whole, Google Play's policies are divided into two main categories: Developer Distribution Agreement and Developer Content Policy, which are updated at least three to four times a year.

April 6 - Spring Update

1. Updated the Deceptive Behavior Policy and clarified the applications whose features involve deceptive behavior.

2. Media Content Manipulation Policy was made for applications that distribute or create falsified media content.

3. Updated Malware Policy

4. Updated Subscription Policy to ensure that developers can clearly convey subscription service information, including clear pricing and publicity, free trial and initial use discount, as well as management and cancellation of subscriptions.

Common violations of subscriptions are: 1. Failure to inform users that the corresponding subscription will be automatically renewed and continue to charge; 2. Annual subscription plans that show monthly fees; 3. Prices and terms that are not fully localized. 

5. Changing the Advertising Network Identification Program into Family Advertising Program.

6. Updated the Family Policy. Required the disclosure of collecting children's personal and sensitive information; further clarified requirements regarding Bluetooth usage; updated the "Advertising and Profits" section of Family Policy to prohibit spam and operational advertising and profits. 

7. Updated Location Information Policy to make behavior more transparent and restrict access to location data, especially background location information.

July 8 - Summer Update

1. As for the compliance of the new policy, all new and existing applications have a grace period of at least 30 days (unless otherwise specified).

2. New requirements were made for applications that request broad access to device storage including a requirement that applications of Android R must have appropriate access permission and declaration review process.


3. Released a News Policy highlighting the rules for news apps in Google Play.

4. Updated User-generated Content (UGC) Policy requiring an in-app reporting of AR anchoring for sensitive locations.

5. Updated the Home Content Advertising and Profits Policy, and illustrated prohibited spam and operational advertising and profiting practices.

There are two pieces of good news for developers in the summer update.

Firstly, policy implementation was improved. Previously, many new policies went into effect immediately for new applications, but now they are applied equally to both new and existing applications, unless otherwise specified. Generally, a grace period of at least 30 days is provided, giving developers more time for reorganization.

Secondly, the Policy Center was improved. More examples and instructions were added, as well as more detailed information in the handling of email violation, such as violations of screenshots, to help developers locate specific violations and facilitate rectification.

September 16, September 28 - Fall Update

1. Payment Policy was updated. All in-app settlement systems must be accessed through Google Play. APPs already using other settlement systems before the update must complete all necessary changes by September 30, 2021; new APPs submitted after January 20, 2021 must comply with the new version of the policy.

2. Misrepresentation Policy was updated. It was clearly pointed out that applications or developer accounts are not permitted to pretend to be any person or organization, or to falsely state or conceal their ownership or primary purpose, nor are they permitted to engage in activities that deliberately mislead users. It is not allowed to give false information or conceal their origin region, or targeting contents to users in another countries.

3. Gambling Application Policy was updated to allow the launch of government-issued cash gambling applications in Brazil.

Above are some of the highlights of the policy update. Please go to Google Play Policy Center for more detailed information.

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