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Drawing a super detailed aerial view of the city from memory

By Donna    24 Apr,2023

Dutch artist, Stefan Bleekrode, has a super ability. He can draw a super detailed aerial view of the places he has visited based on his memory.


At 28 years old, he has created a series of works called "City Scenery" with his superhuman memory, including some famous cities in the world such as London, New York and Paris. The detail of Stefan's work makes it hard to believe that he only relies on memory to complete the whole artistic process. In his painting process, only ink was used to realistically outline the dense streets, buildings, street lights, bridges and other details in his memory of the big cities. Stefan has painted works with sharp contrasts, precise angles and detailed details, as if they were aerial-photo-taken from the same angle.


Stefan sometimes uses special angles. For example, he chooses his angles precisely to see London Bridge, Broadway or Fifth Avenue. But most of them are relatively general perspectives, such as works about Holland and Italy. He commented on his work as "a snapshot of what he saw while traveling or in daily life."

Interestingly, Stefan has cultivated his memory and drawing skills since he was 10 years old. He drew realistic aerial views of cities in France and Belgium from the beginning, and slowly trained his ability to remember city’s details through these. "When I was 10 years old, I wanted to paint the landscapes of France and Belgium that I visited during the summer vacation. The places I went weren’t any eye-catching landscapes. They were all properties from the 1960s. But by reshaping those places, it can let me go back to the happy time of staying there. I will continue to create aerial views of the city, and maybe I won’t stop until a day I have no ideas.” Stefan said.

It is reported that the smallest of his works takes at least 5 days to complete, and the large-scale works have taken him nearly half a year to create. In addition, Stefan's works were sold at prices ranging from $1800 to $6000.

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