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Your expression will expose your character

By Chris    24 Apr,2023

Modern psychological research has found that we can get to know what is passing in his soul from external expressions, and it is not difficult to understand a person's personality if we keep a long-term record of their inner world.


It indicates that you have revealed your temper to the other people when the facial expression is used as a sign to convey your inner feelings. The old saying goes that "The man does not change his face in front of felling Taishan mountain". It refers to a person who is so sophisticated that people cannot tell the real him according to his behaviours. This kind of people are always good at perceiving others and disguising themselves.


1. Expressions reflect present mood

 Behaviour psychologists point out that it is difficult to categorize the facial expressions, because people's expressions are so significantly different. For example, factors like outside environment, individual ages, genders, as well as individual life experience differences will have an impact on individual expression. In addition, individuals usually do not have only one external expression. In many cases, under the same mood, the individuals can express a variety of external expressions at the same time , so the difficulty increased while you judge from one side.

Most people's expression is relatively simple. They laugh when they are happy, they cry when they feel sad, they get cranky when they feel angry, and they feel sad when they get disappointed. After you get understanding of the corresponding relationship between the basic expression and the mood, you consider external factors and individual differences, and it would make sense.

For example, for those who are forthright and straightforward, and have no tolerance for imperfect in their eyes, we can understand them straightaway. Some people are very mean by nature, we need to consider whether they are also the same as inside while they look very hilarious on face. Examples are everywhere as they are, and this is not a fixed mindset, but a judgment based on an understanding of psychology and how well people understands the others.

At the same time, we can make psychological analysis through some subtle expression changes. It is not easy to notice the details, however it is less easier to hide. For example, when you are talking with your friend about something that you think it is interesting, but his wandering eyes indicate that he is actual absent and not interested in your topic.

2. Facial expressions decide individual personality


As mentioned above, people with different personality may show different expression with the same mood, or same environment. For example, when people encounter something worth celebrating, candid people may laugh, prudent man may be pleased inside, but they act very calmly, the pessimistic may feel unhappy inside, but in order to get attached to the others, they also make the smiling expressions.

3. Expressions can replace language

When people communicate, they communicate more in language, because by this way, it is more direct and clearer. But most of the time, we are told to say things in a tactful way. For example, you confessed your love to a girl, she told you, "You're excellent, but I think you deserve better."

Did she really think like that? As a matter of fact, she just didn’t want to accept you and she was afraid that she would hurt you. When you were expressing your love, verbal communication is so weak. Relatively speaking, observing the other person's expression will give you a clearer idea of the other person's thoughts.  In real life, people will show their real expression when they are lying. They are deliberately letting you notice that, however, some are not aware of expressing their real inside feelings.

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